Building Engineering Modelling and Analysis Addons in Blender

Building Engineering Modelling and Analysis Addons in Blender

Unleash the power of Blender by learning how to build custom tools to complement your workflows

⏰ 11 h 5 min | 65 lessons
Published: February 2025

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$149 $97

ℹ️ You're purchasing lifetime access to this course at a discounted rate before it's complete. The remaining sections will be released over the coming weeks.

After completing this course...
You’ll be able to build custom logic directly inside Blender and build your own sharable tools in the form of addons.
You’ll understand how to add custom UI elements such as buttons, menus and panels into the Blender interface.
You’ll be comfortable using a combination of Serpens, the intuitive and user-friendly node-based development workflow and custom scripting to develop your addons.
You’ll understand how to implement custom analysis code in your addon and leverage Blender’s 3D capabilities for modelling and visualising structural behaviour.

In this course, you’ll learn how to unlock the enormous potential of Blender as a tool for engineering modelling and analysis. We’ll do this by building our own structural analysis addon!

Blender is a fantastic all-round 3D modelling tool. Although traditionally used by 3D artists, it’s gaining a dedicated following among the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) community…and for good reason!

Over the years, Blender has popped up in various EngineeringSkills courses (here and here, for example) as a structural modelling and visualisation tool.

Now, we’re going to take the next step and build a custom addon that allows us to do the modelling AND analysis inside Blender. Along the way, we’ll streamline the workflow by building a user interface perfectly suited to our needs.

Axial force analysis of a spaceframe roof using StructureWorks V1 |

Axial force analysis of a spaceframe roof using StructureWorks.

⬇️ Downloading the complete StructureWorks V0.1.0 addon

If you purchase this course, you will also receive a complete version of the StructureWorks addon. In addition, you will receive all future updates to the addon as it undergoes further development by the EngineeringSkills team.

To download the current version of the addon, after enroling in the course, head over to the StructureWorks page and hit 'Download'.

Lifetime and annual subscribers (while subscribed) will also have full access to the addon and all future updates.

Blender Addons

Blender addons are a great way of extending the functionality of Blender. They can take the form of simple tools that help speed up your workflow, all the way up to tools that add massive additional functionality to the software.

The Blender community have been making custom addons for Blender for years. In fact, there’s a thriving marketplace where addon developers distribute and sell their creations. You’ll find addons there that add all manner of additional functionality to Blender.

Why bother learning to make addons now??

Until relatively recently, building an addon for Blender was a much more involved task that required the developer to engage much more deeply with Blender’s Python API. If you’re a Python developer and have the time to really immerse yourself in the API - the world of addons was always wide open for you.

But for the average Engineer or Architect (basically, anyone who was not a Python developer with time to burn), the pain of getting started or the 'barrier to entry' was just too high to bother.

Joshua Knauber and Serpens

That all changed when Joshua Knauber released Serpens in 2020. Serpens is itself an addon for Blender - it’s an addon that allows you to build addons by using node-based scripting. It’s no overstatement to say that the release of Serpens (a $24 addon 🤯) has crushed the barrier to entry when it comes to making your own addons!

Serpens is under active development - currently on version 3 with v4 in the works, and has since developed its own active and supportive community. More on that inside the course.

So, with the pain factor of building your own addons dramatically reduced and the increasing adoption of Blender into AEC workflows - there has never been a better time to learn how to build your own custom tools inside Blender! That’s where this course comes in!

This course will teach you how to use Serpens, in combination with custom scripting using Blender’s Python API to develop V1 of the StructureWorks addon - a tool for the modelling and analysis of 2D and 3D truss structures.

ℹ️ Serpens Addon Required

You will need to purchase the Serpens addon separately from the Blender Marketplace in order to complete this course. It is currently only $24 - TBH, it would be a bargain at 10 times that price!

Blender addon development using a combination of Serpens (node-based development) and Blender's Python scripting API |

Blender addon development using a combination of Serpens (node-based development) and Blender's Python scripting API.

But I don’t want to build a structural analysis tool

No problem! The big takeaway from this course is absolutely NOT the structural analysis addon you finish with - that’s just a vehicle...a project that lets us build the much more valuable skill of addon development!

I’m a structural engineer - so, for me, most projects usually involve some form of structural analysis…that’s just what I find most engaging! Give me a pen and paper and 10 minutes of idle time, and I’ll be sketching out structures, forces, reactions etc etc…that’s just how I’m wired!

But maybe you’re a mechanical engineer, an architect, a QS or a construction manager. If your work involves building digital representations of the real world, then Blender may fit nicely into your workflow. And if you use Blender, you can almost certainly streamline what you do in Blender by building some custom tools! So, this course will be just as valuable to you!

As we move through the course, if structural analysis isn't your jam, don’t get too hung up on the details of exactly WHAT we’re building, focus on HOW we’re building it and map the techniques to whatever it is you want to build!

Course Breakdown

ℹ️ Section by Section Release

This course is going to be released section by section; as each new section is completed, I’ll be pushing those video lectures live inside the course. The course index (on this page) will show the currently available lectures and the sections I’m currently working on, behind the scenes.

✅ Section 1: Introduction and Basic Setup

We kick things off by getting our development environment in order. We’ll get Blender and Serpens downloaded and setup, ensuring we’re all using the same versions.

Then we’ll get VS Code (what we'll write our scripts in) setup for working with the Blender. Scripting natively inside Blender is a painful experience when you're used to working with modern code editors, so this is an important step if you want to stay sane while taking this course.

Before we wrap up, I’ll point out some key online resources that you’re going to find helpful while developing with Serpens. There are one or two other content creators out there that do some really heavy lifting when it comes to covering the finer points of Serpens - I’ll point you in their direction.

✅ Section 2: Serpens 101 - The Basics

The focus in section 2 is getting familiar with the very basics of Serpens - how it works, what it can do, and ultimately, how do we get this addon to produce our addon.

We do this by implementing and exporting a minimal example of an addon. By the end of this section, a lot of the questions you’re currently asking yourself about Serpens and the development workflow will be wiped away.

✅ Section 3: Itemising structure elements and nodes

In this section, we’ll build the functionality for our addon to extract the list of nodes and elements from our candidate wireframe mesh.

The humble mesh object is the basis of our structural model so breaking up into nodes and elements that our analysis code understands is critical. This will also expose us to some helpful new techniques around list building and display in Serpens.

✅ Section 4: Building the Materials Library

In section 4, we'll start building the material library which allows us to specify and store various structural materials.

Structural materials library |

Structural materials library.

This will introduce us to the core of how we’ll be Creating, Reading, Updating and Destroying (CRUD operations) user-generated data in our addon. What we learn in section 4 will be used extensively throughout the course.

✅ Section 5: Building the Sections Library

This section will re-implement the core functionality we saw in the previous section - this time, our focus is on building a library to hold all of the user-defined cross-sections.

In sections 3, 4 and 5 we’ll make extensive use of the Serpens’ Function nodes. These are one of our core building blocks and a great way of encapsulating and re-using node groups across our addon.

We’ll also establish a workflow for integrating custom Python scripts and keeping track of where they’re used in our node setups. This is going to be critical to keeping our addon maintainable as it grows.

Section 6: The Restraint Management Panel

In section 6, we build on what we did in sections 4 and 5 and start adding user-generated data that relates directly to active selections in the 3D view. Having a way to intuitively select parts of our structure in the 3D view and then assign attributes based on the selection is critical. Our first task will be selecting nodes and assigning nodal restraints.

Restraint management panel |

Restraint management panel.

Section 7: The Applied Forces Panel

In section 7, we’ll lean on a lot of what we covered in section 6, but this time, we’ll be applying forces to the selected nodes. In sections 6 and 7, we'll also be implementing some functionality to manipulate the properties we’ve assigned to nodes, e.g. removing duplicate restraints, consolidating forces on each node and sorting the data.

Applied forces panel |

Applied forces panel.

Section 8: Adding Custom Mesh Assets to the Scene

Up to this point, we’ve generated new data and assigned attributes to parts of the structure - but there’s no visual representation of this in the 3D view.

This changes in section 8 when we cover the next big milestone - bringing custom geometry assets into the scene and assigning them based on our user-generated data.

We’ll generate some basic mesh objects to represent forces and restraints and then assign these as assets to be bundled with our addon. We can then use them as we like - in our case, to represent the assigned restraints and applied forces.

Section 9: Implementing 3D Truss Analysis

In section 9, we’ll build the engine that drives our addon - the structural analysis script. We’re going to be implementing the solver that we developed in this course for 3D truss analysis. We’ll make some modifications, but the bones of it will be what we covered previously.

3D truss analysis |

3D truss analysis.

I won’t go through the theory in any great detail in this course - if you want a deep dive on this, head over to the original spaceframe analysis course.

You can get both courses as a discounted course bundle - check out the course bundles page, or scroll to the bottom of this page for details.

That said, you should be able to follow along with the basics of what the script is doing if you’re familiar with matrix-based analysis methods. I'll give a high-ish level running commentary of the analysis script as we go.

If you’re not an engineer and have no idea (and are not interested in) what I’m talking about when I say matrix-based analysis - you can blindly copy me here - all I’m doing is taking the user inputs, passing them through a black box and getting the desired outputs. Just imagine swapping this step out for whatever analysis you want as the basis of your own addon.

Section 10: Building Analysis Results Tables

With all of the results calculated, we need some way of seeing them! We’ll build our results analysis tables in section 10. What we cover here is going to be handy in any addon where tables of data are generated - so almost all engineering-focused addons!

Section 11: Visualising the Deflected Shape

Then, we can turn our attention to visualising results in the 3D viewport. The easiest set of results to tackle first is the deflected shape. We’ll also build in a handy scale slider that allows us to exaggerate the deflection to help get a more intuitive ‘feel’ for what the structure wants to do under load.

Section 12: Exporting Data

Our next step is to work out a way of getting all of this data out of Blender and into a .csv file. We’ll break this into two operations: (i) exporting all of the data that defines the structure and loading - the problem definition, and (ii) exporting all of the results data.

Section 13: Adding Text Labels to the 3D View

In section 13, we add another essential feature, the ability to print labels in the 3D viewport. This will introduce us to another set of Serpen’s nodes - modal nodes. This unlocks a lot of quality-of-life improvements in our addon, e.g. adding node numbers, materials numbers, force labels, nodal deflection labels. These labels are going to be a key bridge between the results we see in our results tables and the 3D structural model.

Section 14: Auto-generating the Element and Node Mesh

Section 14 sees us cover another big milestone in our addon development - procedural mesh generation. Our structural model thus far is a simple wireframe consisting of Blender’s native vertex and edge primitives.

In this section, we’ll use this data to build a mesh representation of each node and edge. This is an important building block for the generation of results heatmaps that come later.

We covered a version of this at the end of the previously mentioned Spaceframe course. However, this time around, we’ll be taking a different approach that frees us from some of the performance bottlenecks we ran into previously.

Section 15: Implementing Axial Force Heatmaps

Building on the procedural mesh generation covered in section 14, in section 15, we implement a custom material that we can apply to our mesh. The trick here is to generate colours based on the axial force recorded for each element and apply this colour to the mesh faces associated with that element. Again, we’re taking a different, more performant approach to this than what we covered when we did this previously.

2D Truss Analysis |

Axial force heatmap.

The key takeaway here is the generation of a custom material with colours assigned based on attributes, axial force in this case. Once you understand the workflow, you can generate additional heatmaps based on any attribute, e.g. axial stress, buckling failure, tension failure - whatever you like.

Section 16: Building the UI Control Panel

At this point in the course, the hardest tasks are behind us. Now it’s just about adding polish and quality-of-life improvements…it’s all downhill from here!

In this section, we’ll collect all of the functionality relating to the UI into one place and build a UI control panel. This will be where we can go to switch on or off any UI element, e.g. mesh representation, deflected shape, results heatmaps, labels etc.

Section 17: Adding a Pie-Menu for Quick UI Control

A pie-menu is a menu that we can invoke with a keyboard hotkey directly inside the 3D view. If you’ve watched any of the demo videos for this course, you’ll have seen me invoke a menu that appears in the centre of the screen - this is a pie-menu, and we’ll build it in section 17.

Custom pie-menu |

Custom pie-menu.

Pie-menu’s are really handy for quickly accessing functionality. We’ll build one that essentially duplicates the UI control panel we built in the previous section. This pie-menu is actually what I find myself using 99% of the time once my model has been set up and I want to start exploring the results in the 3D view.

Pie-menu’s are easy to build and you can build them to access whatever functionality you like.

Section 18: External Analysis with OpenSeesPy

You can think of section 19 more like an optional appendix. The addon is done at this point but I think it would be useful to also have a way of analysing our models externally.

The idea here is that you should be able to export your model and loading definition (using the export functionality we built earlier). Then load it into a Jupyter Notebook and solve the structure using OpenSeesPy. Again, you’ll have seen me do this in some of the earlier demo videos for this course.

Externally analysis using OpenSeesPy for validation |

Externally analysis using OpenSeesPy for validation.

I’ll cover the generation of these Jupyter Notebooks in section 19. So, this section will act as a bit of a primer on OpenSeesPy and we’ll also cover some nifty plotting in matplotlib.

This workflow of exporting our model definitions and analysing them externally is also a really helpful workflow for validation if and when you extend your addon to cover other analyses - this is basically what I do to make sure everything is working correctly when I implement an analysis script from scratch!

Who is this course for?

  • Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) professionals who want to learn how to build custom tools in Blender to streamline their workflows.
  • Engineers who want to leverage the 3D capabilities of Blender for modelling and visualising structural behaviour.
  • Non-AEC folks (e.g. artists, 3D hobbyists and general Blender users) who want to learn how to build custom tools using Serpens (and are willing to put up with a little structural engineering along the way 😉).
ℹ️ Course Completion Certificates

All EngineeringSkills course completion certificates list every lecture completed in a course. So, course completion certificates for this course will only be available once the final course lectures have been released.

Section 1
Introduction and Basic Setup
1. Welcome and course overview
17:45 (Preview)
2. A look behind the scenes
16:25 (Preview)
3. How to take this course
4. Getting help and community resources
5. Blender and Serpens setup 📂
6. Visual Studio Code setup for Blender
7. Saving your work (and your sanity!)
Section 2
Serpens 101 - The Basics
8. Section overview - Serpens 101
05:54 (Preview)
9. Serpens 101 - The basics
10. Implementing a basic N-panel
11. Triggering action from the user-interface
12. Refactor with function nodes
13. Nodes versus Python scripts
14. Exporting your addon 📂
Section 3
Itemising structure elements and nodes
15. Section overview - Itemising structure elements and nodes
05:49 (Preview)
16. Setting up a nodes collection
17. Building the nodes collection update loop
18. Building the update logic for elements
19. Sub-panel setup
20. Building the node list table
21. Building the node coordinate table
22. Implementing row select functionality for nodes
23. Building the element number table
24. Building the element definition table
25. Implementing row select for elements 📂
Section 4
Building the Materials Library
26. Section overview - Building the materials library
06:18 (Preview)
27. Getting our material properties set up
28. Panel layout - material list layout
29. Panel layout - building user-input fields
30. Creating new structural materials
31. Updating the material list
32. Deleting materials from the library
33. Changing the active material
34. Updating material properties from user input
35. Synchronising structural and Blender materials
36. Refactoring to use portals for reduced duplication
37. Updating material display properties
38. Assigning specific materials to active elements
39. Selecting elements by material (and deselecting) 📂
Section 5
Building the Sections Library
40. Section overview - Building the sections library
05:25 (Preview)
41. Getting the Serpens properties setup
42. Full panel layout
43. Creating new cross-sections
44. Deleting cross-sections
45. Changing the active cross-section
46. Updating the sections library based on user input
47. Updating cross-section display properties
48. Assign, select and deselect elements 📂
Section 6
The Restraint Managament Panel
49. Section overview - The Restraint Management Panel
03:35 (Preview)
50. Setting up the restraint properties
51. Building the restraint panel interface
52. Implementing the restraint toggles
53. Adding restraints to the collection
54. Clearing all restraints
55. Adding list manipulation controls
56. Implementing restraint sorting
57. Removing duplicate restraints 📂
Section 7
The Applied Forces Panel
58. Section overview - The Applied Forces Panel
03:01 (Preview)
59. Setting up the force properties
60. Self-weight and nodal force inputs
61. Building the force display list
62. Adding and clearing all forces
63. Force list manipulation controls
64. Sorting forces
65. Consolidating force records 📂
Section 8
Adding Custom Mesh Assets to the Scene
Section 9
Implementing 3D Truss Analysis
Section 10
Building Analysis Results Tables
Section 11
Visualising the Deflected Shape
Section 12
Exporting Data
Section 13
Adding Text Labels to the 3D View
Section 14
Auto-generating the Element and Node Mesh
Section 15
Implementing Axial Force Heatmaps
Section 16
Building the UI Control Panel
Section 17
Adding a Pie-Menu for Quick UI Control
Section 18
External Analysis with OpenSeesPy
Completion certificate
Completion certificate
  • Download your personalised Certificate of Completion once you’ve finished all course lectures.

  • Applying for jobs? Use your Certificate of Completion to show prospective employers what you’ve been doing to improve your capabilities.

  • Independently completing an online course is an achievement. Let people know about it by posting your Certificate of Completion on your Linkedin profile or workplace CPD portfolio.

Ready to get started?
Dr Seán Carroll
BEng (Hons), MSc, PhD, CEng MIEI, FHEA
Hi, I’m Seán, the founder of (formerly I hope you found this tutorial helpful. After spending 10 years as a university lecturer in structural engineering, I started this site to help more people understand engineering and get as much enjoyment from studying it as I do. Feel free to get in touch, follow me on LinkedIn and subscribe to me on Youtube.

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