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Bitesize Python projects that leverage the power of programming for your engineering analysis

Using VIKTOR to Build a Shareable Truss Calculator App

Using VIKTOR to Build a Shareable Truss Calculator App

⏰ 2 h 58 min | 10 lessons

Build a user-friendly analysis web app powered by OpenSeesPy and VIKTOR

Simulating Crowd-induced Vibrations using the Duhamel Integral

Simulating Crowd-induced Vibrations using the Duhamel Integral

⏰ 3 h 22 min | 8 lessons

In this Python project, we build a crowd-induced vibration simulation using the Duhamel Integral in Python

Building a Beam Deflection Calculator

Building a Beam Deflection Calculator

⏰ 1 h 51 min | 8 lessons

In this Python project, we build a Beam Deflection Calculator using numerical integration

Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

⏰ 2 h 44 min | 9 lessons

In this short Python Project, build a simple calculator for statically determinate beams

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

⏰ 3 h 34 min | 9 lessons

Perform 2D stress analysis and use Mohr’s Circle to visualise the complete stress field