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Stress Analysis


Tools and techniques for modelling and understanding the underlying state of stress in structures

Statics & Equilibrium
Bending & Shear
Virtual Work
Finite Element Analysis
Non-Linear Analysis

Stress Analysis Courses

Courses that take you on a deep dive into the topic

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 2 - Shells

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 2 - Shells

⏰ 11 h 49 min | 46 lessons

Unlocking the Fundamentals of Shell Behaviour with Analytical Modelling and Membrane Theory


Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 1 - Plates

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 1 - Plates

⏰ 11 h 50 min | 41 lessons

A practical guide to the analysis of circular and rectangular plates under load, from first principles.


Finite Element Analysis of Continuum Structures in Python

Finite Element Analysis of Continuum Structures in Python

⏰ 18 h 47 min | 81 lessons

Use the Isoparametric Finite Element Method to build an analysis tool for 2D structures in Python.


Stress Analysis Projects

Bitesize Python projects that leverage the power of programming to scale up your engineering analyses

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

⏰ 3 h 34 min | 9 lessons

Perform 2D stress analysis and use Mohr’s Circle to visualise the complete stress field

Stress Analysis Tutorials

Tutorials to guide you through the topic at a high level while providing you with the tools to dive deeper

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

Building a Mohr’s Circle Calculator for Stress Analysis in Python

In this Python project we're going to build a Mohr's Circle calculator. By the end of this project, you will have built your own stress analysis Python code. Along the way we'll cover all of the funda...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

22 min read