Finite Element Analysis Courses
Courses that take you on a deep dive into the topic

The OpenSeesPy Survival Guide
Coming Soon
A guide to unlocking this incredibly powerful and robust open-source finite element analysis library

Finite Element Analysis of Plate and Shell Structures in Python
Coming Soon
Develop a custom-coded analysis pipeline for 2D and 3D plate and shell structures, a roadmap from theory to solver

Finite Element Analysis Tutorials
Tutorials to guide you through the topic at a high level while providing you with the tools to dive deeper
An Introduction to the ETABS Python API - Automate Repetitive Analysis Tasks
Building complex models in modern structural analysis software can be a time-consuming and laborious task. While it's critical to take the time to ensure your models accurately represent real-world be...more

Hakan Keskin
A Structural Modelling and Analysis Addon for Blender [RELEASED]
Have you ever thought that a structural modelling and analysis addon for Blender would be a good idea? too! Now, in addition to learning how to build the addons for Blender in my addon devel...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Machine Learning in Civil Engineering - Surrogate Models
In this tutorial, we continue to acquaint ourselves with the basics of machine learning by learning how to design specific function approximators called surrogate models. Traditional numerical analysi...more

Ehsan Es'haghi
Machine Learning in Civil Engineering - Sensitivity Analysis
In this tutorial, we'll dive into the world of machine learning and structural optimisation by focusing on sensitivity analysis as our first topic. We'll start by learning how to define a simple optim...more

Ehsan Es'haghi
Using VIKTOR to Build a Shareable Truss Calculator App - Project Overview
In this article, we’ll discuss how you can build a user-friendly and shareable, truss analysis app that can be easily shared and used in the browser. This means the end user doesn’t need to download o...more

Dr Seán Carroll
A primer on the form and behaviour of gridshell structures
In this article, we’ll begin our exploration of gridshell structures. Our overall aim is to build up step-by-step, an appreciation for these elegant structures and their contribution to the built envi...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Building a Parametric Frame Analysis Pipeline with OpenSeesPy and OpsVis
In this second tutorial in our series focusing on OpenSeesPy, we’ll build a pipeline for the elastic analysis of a 2D portal frame structure using OpenSeesPy. Along the way, we’ll parameterise our cod...more

Dr Seán Carroll
An Introduction to OpenSees and OpenSeesPy for 2D Truss Analysis
In this tutorial, we’ll take a first look at OpenSeesPy, a Python library for performing finite element analysis based on the OpenSees framework. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to perform...more

Dr Seán Carroll
3D Truss Calculator – Quick Start Guide
Welcome to this quick start guide on how to use the 3D truss analysis toolbox. In this tutorial, we’ll work through the solution of a sample 3D space frame (pin-jointed) structure. We’ll determine rea...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Free Truss Calculator – Quick Start Guide
This is a quick start guide for our free online truss calculator. Follow this short text tutorial or watch the Getting Started video to quickly orientate yourself with this handy free tool. We'll walk...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Finite Element Analysis and Structural Behaviour Modelling Case Study
In this post we will use the Tintagel footbridge as a case study to explore structural behaviour and show how we can build up an understanding of the structure through analysis of increasingly refined...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Truss Analysis using the Direct Stiffness Method
In this tutorial we examine the Direct Stiffness Method and work our way through a detailed truss analysis. By the end of this complete introduction, you should understand the basic ideas behind why t...more

Dr Seán Carroll