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Bending & Shear


Techniques for building shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate and indeterminate structures.

Statics & Equilibrium
Virtual Work
Finite Element Analysis
Stress Analysis
Non-Linear Analysis

Bending & Shear Courses

Courses that take you on a deep dive into the topic

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 2 - Shells

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 2 - Shells

⏰ 11 h 49 min | 46 lessons

Unlocking the Fundamentals of Shell Behaviour with Analytical Modelling and Membrane Theory


Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 1 - Plates

Analytical Modelling of Plate and Shell Structures: Part 1 - Plates

⏰ 11 h 50 min | 41 lessons

A practical guide to the analysis of circular and rectangular plates under load, from first principles.


Moment Distribution Method: Analysis Bootcamp

Moment Distribution Method: Analysis Bootcamp

⏰ 2 h 54 min | 19 lessons

Step up your structural analysis skills by working your way through these indeterminate structures.

Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method

Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method

⏰ 7 h 48 min | 36 lessons

Unlock indeterminate structures using the moment distribution structural analysis method.

Shear Forces and Bending Moments: Analysis Bootcamp

Shear Forces and Bending Moments: Analysis Bootcamp

⏰ 2 h 46 min | 12 lessons

Sharpen your structural analysis skills with challenge questions designed to test your understanding.

Mastering Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams

Mastering Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams

⏰ 8 h 20 min | 35 lessons

Your complete roadmap to mastering these essential structural analysis skills.

Bending & Shear Projects

Bitesize Python projects that leverage the power of programming to scale up your engineering analyses

Building a Beam Deflection Calculator

Building a Beam Deflection Calculator

⏰ 1 h 51 min | 8 lessons

In this Python project, we build a Beam Deflection Calculator using numerical integration

Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

⏰ 2 h 44 min | 9 lessons

In this short Python Project, build a simple calculator for statically determinate beams

Bending & Shear Tutorials

Tutorials to guide you through the topic at a high level while providing you with the tools to dive deeper

How moment redistribution leads to more efficient designs

How moment redistribution leads to more efficient designs

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss moment redistribution in reinforced concrete and how we can use it to our advantage to achieve more efficient designs. When designing any structural element, our first ...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

17 min read
How I Coded an Analytical Beam Calculator

How I Coded an Analytical Beam Calculator

In this post, guest author Vittorio Lora talks us through how he developed the idea for and ultimately built Beamsolver.com. A structural engineer by training, Vittorio has pivoted in his career to fo...more

Vittorio LoraVittorio Lora

Vittorio Lora

22 min read
How to Analyse Indeterminate Beams using the Moment Distribution Method

How to Analyse Indeterminate Beams using the Moment Distribution Method

In this tutorial we'll explore the moment distribution method. This is an excellent technique for quickly determining the shear force and bending moment diagrams for indeterminate beam and frame struc...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

19 min read
How to Calculate Beam Deflection

How to Calculate Beam Deflection

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to calculate beam deflection from first principles using the differential equation of the deflection curve. We'll cover several calculation techniques, including one...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

38 min read
Building a Beam Deflection Calculator in Python

Building a Beam Deflection Calculator in Python

In this project, we’ll build a beam deflection calculator that can generate beam deflections by directly integrating the bending moment diagram. The technique we’ll use for calculating deflection in t...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

23 min read
Shear and Moment Diagrams – An Ultimate Guide

Shear and Moment Diagrams – An Ultimate Guide

Shear force and bending moment diagrams tell us about the underlying state of stress in the structure. Determining shear and moment diagrams is an essential skill for any engineer. Unfortunately it’s ...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

29 min read
Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

Building a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Calculator in Python

In this project we're going to build a Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram calculator using Python in the Jupyter Notebook development environment. Generating the shear force and bending moment dia...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

23 min read