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Virtual Work


Techniques for analysing determinate and indeterminate structures to determine axial forces, shear forces, bending moments and deflections

Statics & Equilibrium
Bending & Shear
Finite Element Analysis
Stress Analysis
Non-Linear Analysis

Virtual Work Courses

Courses that take you on a deep dive into the topic

Analysing Hybrid Indeterminate Civil Engineering Structures

Analysing Hybrid Indeterminate Civil Engineering Structures

⏰ 3 h 47 min | 20 lessons

Powerful techniques for analysing realistic civil engineering structures.


Mastering Virtual Work for Engineers

Mastering Virtual Work for Engineers

⏰ 4 h 22 min | 34 lessons

Analyse complex beam and frame structures using Virtual Work.

Fundamentals of Virtual Work for Civil Engineers

Fundamentals of Virtual Work for Civil Engineers

⏰ 3 h 18 min | 30 lessons

Enhance your structural analysis skillset with these powerful engineering analysis techniques.

Virtual Work Tutorials

Tutorials to guide you through the topic at a high level while providing you with the tools to dive deeper

Arch Analysis – How to Analyse Determinate and Indeterminate Arches

Arch Analysis – How to Analyse Determinate and Indeterminate Arches

Arches are one of the most efficient and elegant structural forms. Their efficiency has seen them selected throughout history as the go-to form for spanning large distances. In this tutorial, we’ll ex...more

Callum WilsonCallum Wilson

Callum Wilson

31 min read
Influence Lines - A Complete Introduction for Civil and Structural Engineers

Influence Lines - A Complete Introduction for Civil and Structural Engineers

In this tutorial on influence lines, we will explore influence lines and the techniques that can be used to construct influence line diagrams for determinate and indeterminate beam structures. By the ...more

Callum WilsonCallum Wilson

Callum Wilson

26 min read
How to Apply the Virtual Work Method to Trusses

How to Apply the Virtual Work Method to Trusses

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the virtual work method to analyse trusses and calculate truss deflections. The virtual work method is based upon the Principle of Virtual Work which underpin...more

Dr Seán CarrollDr Seán Carroll

Dr Seán Carroll

21 min read