Statics & Equilibrium Courses
Courses that take you on a deep dive into the topic
Statics & Equilibrium Projects
Bitesize Python projects that leverage the power of programming to scale up your engineering analyses
Statics & Equilibrium Tutorials
Tutorials to guide you through the topic at a high level while providing you with the tools to dive deeper
Influence Lines - A Complete Introduction for Civil and Structural Engineers
In this tutorial on influence lines, we will explore influence lines and the techniques that can be used to construct influence line diagrams for determinate and indeterminate beam structures. By the ...more

Callum Wilson
An Introduction to Uniform Torsion in Cylindrical Shafts
In this tutorial, we introduce torsion. This is simply a bending moment applied about the longitudinal axis. Torsion will cause twisting about the longitudinal axis and is a very common form of loadin...more

Dr Seán Carroll
How to Calculate Reactions using Free Body Diagrams
In this tutorial, we'll cover free body diagrams and how to use them to evaluate the forces acting on a structure in equilibrium. A free body diagram is a diagram in which only the forces imposed on a...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Forces, Moment of a Force and Force Systems
Welcome to the Fundamental Engineering Mechanics tutorial series. This is part one in a multi-part series aimed at anyone just starting out in the study of engineering. In this tutorial, we’ll start f...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Truss Analysis using the Method of Joints and Method of Sections
In this tutorial we're going to focus on trusses, also known as pin-jointed structures. We'll briefly discuss their key features and methods of analysis. We're going to start at the very beginning by ...more

Dr Seán Carroll
Structural Analysis Case Study
Structural analysis is the process of using mathematical and mechanical principles to determine the magnitude of internal forces in a structure. One of the main roles of a civil or structural engineer...more

Dr Seán Carroll
What is a Truss?
A truss is a structure that consists of a collection of elements connected at pin joints or nodes. In theory, the pin joints provide no rotational resistance and behave as hinges. In practice this is ...more

Dr Seán Carroll